If you're a secondary or prep school counselor helping your students identify the best place to continue to develop their intellect and leadership, we want to support you and help you deliver the information that your students need to make informed choices about applying to W&J College.
Making it Simple
Washington & Jefferson College has revised and reduced its published tuition price beginning Fall 2023 to more clearly reflect the actual amount our students now pay for tuition. det365app做这个改变是为了简单地解释这个事实 yes, a W&教育是负担得起的. 通过det365app慷慨的优秀奖学金, institutional grants, 以及其他财政援助, 你的学生将达到一个可达到的底线.
Your Next Steps
你有已经申请的学生吗? Send 高中正式成绩单 通过Naviance, Slate.org, Scoir,发邮件到 admission@zhuhaofans.net, or via mail to:
Office of Admission
60 S. Lincoln Street
Washington, PA 15301
当你的学生向你询问有关W的信息时&J College, our numbers can help you describe the profile of currently admitted students. det365app的人口统计数据显示det365app的班级规模很小, det365app学生的学习成绩, 学生运动员的活动, 以及det365app校园的居住性质.
Class Size
Residency Rates
Student Athletes
单击按钮进行探索 GoPresidents.com, det365app的体育网页, and have your student complete the recruiting questionnaire for their athletic program of choice!