WASHINGTON, PA (September 22, 2022年)——本月早些时候,格莱美奖得主迈克尔·布布鲁斯在匹兹堡演出, he was joined on stage by a president—a W&J president, that is.
Professor of Music & 合唱团活动总监苏珊·麦德利博士.M.A., 在这位加拿大歌手深情演唱山姆·库克的《det365app》时,她献上了女低音,9月1日,他在PPG Paints Arena的“Higher”巡演就此结束.
Medley, who has been teaching at W&J for 19 years, 在分享了这位歌手的聚光灯后,他接受了学院的采访,讲述了这段经历. 想了解更多关于她在bubl
Let’s start at the beginning. 你在音乐和表演方面有什么背景?
我五岁的时候开始学钢琴,所以音乐一直是我生活的一部分. 我在学校教了几年书,并决定我真的想成为一名大学合唱团指挥. So, 我在辛辛那提大学音乐学院攻读合唱指挥博士学位, 作为卡内基音乐厅教育部副主任在纽约工作了三年. Then I found my way to Washington & Jefferson and the rest is history.
很多艺术家的巡演都有音乐家陪同, 他们还会在他们所访问的每个城市邀请当地的音乐家作为补充. Somehow, 一个为本地艺人安排演出的人叫我名字, contacted me in the spring of 2019, and, at that time, 让我为莎拉·布莱曼组建一个32人唱诗班. 布莱曼创造了克里斯汀这个角色 Phantom of the Opera 当时他正在匹兹堡的贝纳多姆中心举办音乐会. So, I did that, and he kept my number.
大概在迈克尔·布布伦音乐会的前一周, 他打电话给我,问我能不能找来7位能唱福音歌的歌手. 起初,我不打算唱歌,我只是想让歌手们为表演做准备. So, 我联系了7位歌手,他们都同意了, but one of them ended up having a conflict, and she happened to be an alto. 我是女中音,所以我想,“我想这是一个信号,我应该在这场音乐会演唱!”
It was amazing. 当他打电话给我的时候,我说:“我当然会这么做.” I only had a week’s notice, 所以我知道在很短的时间内要做很多工作, but I made time for it.
Unfortunately, det365app没能见到他,因为他和两个最大的孩子一起旅行, and when he was not on stage, he was with his kids. 我希望det365app能见到他,和他谈谈,但他是在做父亲. And he seems like a good dad.
不过det365app确实和他一起排练了,非常短暂. 下午4点左右,det365app和他一起巡演的背景歌手一起排练.m. 然后,我想det365app和迈克尔的试音是在下午5:30左右.m. or so, and the concert was at 8 p.m.
Oh, it was so great. You just see this huge crowd, and the lights were on, and the band was so incredible, and he’s such an amazing performer, and it was just—it was really surreal. I had to think, “Are we actually doing this? Is this really happening?”
How did your students react to all of this?
Michael bubl
你在卡耐基音乐厅工作过和迈克尔·布布鲁斯这样的巨星一起演出过 Sarah Brightman. How does working at W&J compare?
I love it. I absolutely love it. 和学生们一起工作很愉快,det365app能够创作出一些美妙的音乐.
In 2019, 当我让人们为莎拉·布莱曼唱歌时, 我有三个非常优秀的学生,他们的阅读能力非常好, who could learn really quickly, and I knew could really deliver. I thought, “What a great opportunity for them,” and they became part of the choir, which sang that performance at the Benedum. So, when the right opportunities arise, I am able to involve students, and I try to do that any chance I have.
What’s next for you? Do you have any other projects in the works?
Yes! I conduct the Pittsburgh Concert Chorale, a 100-voice community choir, det365app刚刚完成了一个大项目——det365app夏天去了欧洲——但是, this spring, we’re performing in New York City.
Here at W&J,det365app正处于合唱团重建阶段. 在新冠肺炎期间,歌手们不得不戴着口罩在线排练,这对他们来说很困难, 在过去的两年里,许多人离开了合唱团. The W&J合唱团和Camerata歌手们现在又回到了不带面具的全员排练,感觉太好了! 我真的鼓励任何喜欢唱歌的学生来加入det365app的合唱团&J. 这是一次他们会非常喜欢的经历,你永远不知道它会带来什么.
About Washington & Jefferson College
Washington & 杰斐逊学院,坐落于宾夕法尼亚州的华盛顿., 一所历史悠久的文理学院成立于1781年,重视道德领导吗, professional readiness, and inclusive communities. det365app高度定制和智力参与的学生体验培养了不同寻常的诚信专业人士,在不断变化的世界中发挥领导作用. For more information about W&J, visit library.zhuhaofans.net or call 888-W-AND-JAY.